hw abt we set tis lik once in a month....
tis time a bit special, cz MEIYEE join..long time din c her as she woking in seremban..fel nice to chat with her agan@@~!
i like to eat, eventot im fat, baby fat la...
eating is de most enjoyable habit..
forget everythg in wok ..
hi ha with a geng of best frens..it is so perfect in my life..
i like to travel, snap pic, social, PR, know new friends..
wat kind of job suit me?
so full agan!!
thy suggest to singk, at 1st i hardly reject cz tmr i ned 2 wk up early.
but it is so so hard as u knw...i love to sing...kaka
his singing a bit lik jacky...
hihi.. he is new 2 me, knw him 4 a month plus...is annies fren.
newly join into YGF geng..haha
de red wine is weilun win in a small contest wic held by green box
3 of them, de behing 1 is tumpang 1~~
2nd singer- alen chu..
me and meifern
wen we singing ZOMBIE!
zi pai queens
3rd singer- yanjie. he seldom join 2 sing, but tis time is he suggest 2 sing 1, pelik le.

4rd singer- weiyin, like to sing old songs....
last1- meifern...my brother gf, alt i knw tis gal for so long but we nvr get so close after she join us quie sum time..
he can sing wel for jay songs..wen he sing those sad songs, he said mus be lik tis way..you yu..u thk so?
join him few time for singing, jays songs is must in his list...
fel nice wen fun with her, bcz we r in same type of personality, character, she lik to laugh, me n her in de most 38 in tis geng...!!
but i lose if wan2 compare with her voice, she can sing quite well..better without mike...
otherwise our ear wil....................@@~ hahahahha
end of tis wekend...i njoy mywekend very muc@@~
i decide to resign by TODAY..
i haven get new job, but i believe nothg is impossible..
if wok for money, i rather resign..tis is my concept..
wis me luck!